What Are The Best Ingredients For Juicing?[Updated 2023]

So you’ve just got yourself that awesome new juicer but with so many different possibilities, what are the best ingredients for juicing? Let’s take a look at some of the best ingredients and then look at some recipes.

Best Ingredients For Juicing:

Before we get into our favourite recipes, lets take a quick look at some of the best fruit and vegetables for juicing. When it comes to squeezing juice, not all produce is created equal and some types are certainly better than others.

Best Fruits For Juicing

Best Ingredients For Juicing
  • Apples
  • Pineapples
  • Oranges
  • Limes
  • Lemons

Best Vegetables For Juicing

Best Ingredients For Juicing
  • Carrots
  • Ginger
  • Kale
  • Spinach

1 – Apple, Carrot and Ginger juice

This gets our number one pick for the best juicer recipe as it combines readily available, low cost fruits and vegetables for a really great taste.

The apples (we recommend royal galas but feel free to experiment) give this juice a sweet get tangy flavour which blends perfectly with the sweet and mellow flavour of the carrots .

This hearty beverage would be good enough without ginger (and some may prefer it this way) but we think this is what gives this juice it’s x-factor. Ginger brings out the flavours in the apples and carrots perfectly whilst awaking your senses.

This recipe is perfect at anytime of day but especially good in the mornings as it can kickstart your system.

Ginger has been used for culinary as well as medical purposes for thousands of years. It is thought to help with alleviating inflammation, pain and nausea.

We especially like this recipe during the winter as ginger helps to keep you warm, it is a diaphoretic meaning it promotes sweating.


  • 1 Apple, peeled or unpeeled depending on preference
  • 3 Large Carrots, scrubbed thoroughly
  • 10g of fresh Ginger, unpeeled


Combine in machine, juice away and enjoy

2 – Strawberry and Lime Juice

Best Ingredients For Juicing

Strawberry and lime headline this act but are backed up by a stellar supporting casts combining kale, spinach, apples and mint.

This is one of the most delicious juice recipes around, full of heavy hitting vitamins and nutrients.

The strawberries, lime and apples are packed full of immune boosting vitamin C, perfect for those long winter months spent battling away colds.

These are complemented by the high levels of vitamins A as well as C found in kale and spinach.

If that wasn’t quite enough punch for you, this recipe also comes equipped with a full dose of potassium which is great for fighting fatigue and maintaining healthy blood pressure levels.


  • 1 peeled lime
  • 1 large Granny Smith apple (peeled or unpeeled, depending on your preference)
  • 3 mint bunches/stems
  • 8 strawberries
  • 4 kale leaves
  • 1 cup/serving of spinach


  • Combine in machine, juice away and enjoy

3 – Apple and Pineapple Juice

Best Ingredients For Juicing

The great taste of this juice recipe is only surpassed by its wholehearted goodness and nutrient rich blend. This healthy mix combines apple, pineapple, cucumber and lime for a great all-round flavour.

Pineapples are high in manganese which helps the body regulate calcium absorption, metabolism and bone formation. They are also rich in vitamin C giving you a welcome boost to your immune system.

The pineapple in this recipe provide a rich sweetness to the flavour that is well complemented by the slight tanginess of the gala apples.

The cucumbers help to give the juice a mellowness whilst packing it full of anti-oxidants and lots of nutrients including vitamin K which is vital for blood clotting meaning it helps wounds heal properly.


  • 1 peeled lime
  • 1 large Granny Smith apple (peeled or unpeeled, depending on your preference)
  • Half a large unpeeled cucumber
  • 1 cup of peeled and cubed pineapple


  • Combine in machine, juice away and enjoy

Check Out: Adding More Veg And Fruit in Diet in 5 Easy Ways!

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How Can I Add More Veg And Fruit Diet? in 5 Easy Ways!

Veg And Fruit Diet in easy ways

But wait why I should? Because there’re numerous benefits of adding more fruit and vegetables to our diet, including loosing weight, controlling blood sugar, better digestion, having less cholestrol diet etc. We know that we probably should be eating more fruit and vegetables. But you might be thinking how can I add more veg and fruit diet?

Have you been doing it? If you’re anything like most of us the answer is probably “no” and at best “maybe”. We all know we should do it, even if we don’t necessarily agree with the “5-a-day” principle.

It’s quite easy to fall into that pattern especially if you have a full working week to contend with and/or children to look after. 

How Can I Do More Veg And Fruit Diet?

But in any case, the fact is the more fruit and veg we can squeeze in the better. So what are the best ways to eat more fruit and vegetables without having to put too much effort in?

You’re in luck as we’ve put together the list of the top 3 best ways to eat more for veg and fruit diet:

1 – Make More One-Pan Dishes

Make More One-Pan Dishes for better veg and fruit diet

One of the easiest way to eat more vegetables regularly is to do more one-pan dishes and chuck as many in as possible.

So for example you could do stir-fried noodles and chicken or prawns then throw in just about any vegetable that takes your fancy – sweetcorn, peas, peppers, spinach, mushrooms.

The choices are considerable and you get to throw all of them into one dish. Not only will it be tasty ? (when cooked right of course) but you have the added benefit of getting your 5-a-day without too much effort.

As well as one-pot dishes like stir fried noodles and rice you could also look at throwing in a whole bunch of veg into a oven tray and then topping it with olive oil and seasoning. This makes a great accompaniment to most dishes and is another easy way to get your daily quota.

2 – Get Your Soup On

Veg And Fruit Diet
How Can I Add More Veg And Fruit Diet?: Soup Up

We’re particularly fond of making soup as a way to get more veg into your diet as it’s so easy. With most soups all you need to do is peel the vegetables, boil them in some water, mix in your favourite seasoning and then blend it all together.

What makes this an effective way to get more veg in your diet is the fact you can combine lots of different vegetables for great tasting soups whilst getting you maximum nutrition. For example one of our favourite recipes combines butternut squash, sweet potatoes, onion and garlics. With a recipe like this it’s quite easy to experiment and add in your own variations for example spinach or ginger.

What makes soup so effective and convenient is the fact you can easily make a large amount and freeze some of it to use when you don’t have time to make dinner or can’t think of how to work in a healthy option into the mix.

3 – Start Juicing

Veg And Fruit Diet in 5 Easy Ways

One of our favorite ways to get more natural fruit into diets is to start juicing. Making your own juice is a great way to ensure you get the nutrients and vitamins you need. In addition when you start it’s very likely you will give up or, at the very least, reduce the processed juice you may be consuming. 

In a similar fashion to soup, it’s very easy to make large quantities of juice and keep some for a few days to use when you have less time.

Another reason why we’re big fans of juicing is that you can easily rack up your 5-a-day quota on a juice recipe. For example apple, ginger, carrots and spinach combine to make a very tasty and nutritious juice. 

4- Eat Raw Vegetables and Fruit

Adding More Veg And Fruit Diet

Even though we advised above, one way to increase intake of Fruits and Vegetables is “Juicing“. We would still recommend, its better to eat raw fruits and vegetables than to extract juice. This is because when you drink juice you throw away all the fibre of fruit or veggie and drinking more concentrated version of Fruits which has high sugar.

If you’re Type 2 Diabetic, you should avoid juicing and increase intake of raw fruits and vegetables, you’ll feel more full, less hungry and fibre will also help in digestion. While Apple juice is delicious but eating raw Apple will give you more nutrients, fibre and keep you feel full for more time.

5 – Blending For Veg and Fruit Diet to Make a Delicious Smoothie

Blending Veg and Fruit Diet to Make a Delicious Smoothie

Blending is another way to increase fruit and veg intake. While juicing has more concentrated nutrients per ounce, you’ll be leaving fibre out of the game. If you’ve a problem of digestion, like constipation, its far better to eat raw fruits and vegetables or blend them and drink a smoothie. There are important compounds found in the pulp. You can check few delicious and innovative smoothie ideas here as well as check this link to find some quick and healthy veg and fruit diet with smoothie recipes.

While some people don’t like the taste, you can add honey, yogurt and nuts to make it more tasteful and nutritious. We would suggest consider blending and make a smoothie out of fruit and veg next time and tell us how do you like it?

Conclusion: How Can I Add More Veg And Fruit Diet?

These are just some of the ways you can use to get more veg and fruit diet but there are lots of others. We’d love to hear your thoughts on these ideas and any others you’ve tried.

See More: Which Is Better Flatbed Or Turntable Microwave in 2023?

Is Home Juicing Good For You? 10 Reasons Why

 10 Reasons Why Juicing Like These Shown Is A Good Idea
Is Home Juicing Good For You?

Juicing at home feels like it is now more popular than ever. But is home juicing good for you?

Is Home Juicing Good For You?

With the advent of healthier diets as well as plant-based eating plans, juicing has never been more popular. But if you’re unsure whether home juicing is good for you, take a look at 10 reasons why you should consider it.

1 – Great Way To Get Your 5-A-Day

Juicing is one of the quickest and healthiest ways you can reach your 5-a-day for fruit and vegetables. Eating your 5-a-day has been shown to have significant health benefits.

2 – Introduce Lots of Variety To Your Diet

With often little time to spare in the mornings before the start of a busy day, breakfast can get dull and repetitive. Having a juicing machine ensures that you can easily switch up your breakfast options with little effort as you can throw in whatever you have in the fruit and vegetable compartment to make delicious juices.

3 – Save Money

In addition to the undoubted health benefits, juicing could mean you are saving a substantial amount every month as you avoid paying for expensive fresh juice when you’re out. Instead all you have to do is ensure your fridge is stocked with lots of fresh fruit and vegetables of all shapes and sizes.

4 – Motivation To Improve Your Overall Health and Fitness

Taking on one new habit could easily lead you to find others. Making your own fresh juice could very well encourage you to see what other foods and drinks you could improve on. For example you might decide to up your vegetable intake with your meals.

5 – A Healthy Way To Snack

Getting yourself a juicer may be one of the healthiest ways to snack available. Snacking can get a bad rap at times because it can be so easy to reach for junk food for convenience. Having a juicer means you always have the option of giving some fruit and vegetables a quick blitz to satisfy your hunger. If you make enough in the morning as your day starts you could always carry some with you in a reusable bottle wherever you go.

6 – Healthy Boost Of Energy

With juicing you can easily pack your glass full of natural nutrients and vitamins. These will help to give you a healthy boost of energy whenever you need it. Unlike snacking on a chocolate bar or a high-processed sugar drink, juicing provides you with a natural option for getting that morning or afternoon kick you need to be at your best.

7 – Detox Your System

For many people, juicing is a perfect way to cleanse the body. Fruit and vegetables can often contain antioxidants. These help to flush out waste and bacteria in your digestive system that can be difficult for your body to process.

8 – They Taste Delicious

This should probably no’ 1 on the list – juices taste delicious! You can easily put together simple recipes for great tasting and nutritious beverages. The best part is unlike when you turn up at the counter of a juice bar, you select exactly what you want in your juice. Your only limit is your imagination and your recipe collection!

9 – Faster Nutrient Absorption

When fruits and vegetables are broken down into liquid form it makes it easier for your body to digest and absorb the nutrients meaning they get to work faster whilst giving your system less of a work-out.

10 – Juice Is Hydrating 

Taking in your recommended amount of water every day can be a challenge. And also quite boring at times. Juicing is a great way to keep hydrated throughout the day. It’s is also a better alternative than coffees and sodas which can be easy to reach for and typically leave you more dehydrated.

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If the above has whetted your appetite, check out some of the best juicers around.

Is Home Juicing Good For You?: Tell Us Your Thoughts.

What Is Better Juicer Or Blender?

What Is Better Juicer Or Blender? Title Image
What Is Better Juicer Or Blender?

When it comes to kitchen appliance battles the juicer versus the blender is right up there alongside microwave vs oven and kettle vs pot. They both offer some great features but what is better juicer or blender?

That’s what we want to try find out as we delve into:

  • Functions
  • Types of Fruits and Vegetables Can Be Used
  • Pricing
  • Ease of Use and Cleaning

What Is Better Juicer Or Blender?

So what is better juicer or blender? To help us make that call let’s take a look at some of the main distinguishing features between juicers and blenders as we try to understand which may be best for you.


When it comes to functions there some key differences between juicers and blenders.

Juicers are designed to extract as much liquid as possible from fruits and vegetables to give you great tasting juice.

They are typically categorised into 3 types; (i) centrifugal (ii) masticating and (iii) citrus. They are designed to seperate the fruit fibres (so the bits or flesh) from the actual liquid.

Blenders on the other hand are specifically designed to turn everything that goes into them into liquid form by breaking them down with their rotor blades. Whereas juicers separate, blenders combine everything together.

What will work better for you depends on what you prefer in terms of liquids.

The key advantage of blenders in terms of functions is that they allow you to make use of pretty much the whole fruit or vegetable. Whereas juicers will typically leave a chunck of your produce as waste pulp after the liquid has been extracted.

The other advantage of blenders is that as well as making smoothies they can also be used for a range of other tasks in the kitchen including making soup whereas only some juicers can do so.

Winner: Tie – In terms of function, it is difficult to call a winner because it really depends on what you’re after. If you want a smooth liquid beverage then you are best going for a juicer. However, if you like the idea and textures of smoothies as well as being able to make other things like soup all in one machine then a blender could be best in this regard.

Types Of Fruit and Vegetables They Can Take

When it comes to the types of fruit and vegetables juicers and blenders can handle, there are some key differences to note.

A lot of juicers can take both hard and soft fruit and vegetables to give you the ability to mix together all kinds of produce. For example you could easily make a juice with apples, carrots, ginger and spinach. Some even have the capabilty to take slightly harder food like nuts.

Blenders can also take both hard and soft fruits but only up to a point when compared to some juicers. For example you could make a smoothie with apples and spinach but you may struggle to get something a smooth as you might like when you toss in the carrots and ginger.

But on the other hand most juicers would not be able to take a fruit such as bananas as they’re fibres are too soft to be able to extract any juice from them. These are perfect for blenders and indeed tend to offer a great way to make smoothies sweet without adding sugar.

Winner: Juicer – In this regard although blenders offer great versatility, we think


When it comes to price you have a range of options for both blenders are juicers though at

You can get a hold of well rated juicers from around £40 – £50. There are various models available with varying features all the way up to £500+. These come in different capacities and lots of different colours as well.

Blenders start off a lot cheaper with some very highly rated models coming in from around £20 – £30 from some well known brands like Kenwood and Morphy Richards. Blenders also have significant range with some going well north of £500.

Winner: Blender – In terms of offering cheap but well rated options as well as a range of different price points, we’d have to say blenders are better. However, it’s pretty close as juicers are not far off in terms of the range of budgets they cater for.

Ease Of Use and Cleaning

With any appliance you want to know how easy it is to use it. If you’ve ever bought something with good intentions to use it and make it a part of your daily routine, you’ll know how disheartening it can be if it turns out to be difficult to use. A key factor to consider from what we’ve seen from using both a blender and juicer consistently now for over 5 years is how easy it is to clean.

Juicers are typically fairly straightforward to use. Most just require the fruit and vegetables to be chopped and dropped into the feed chute after switching on the machine. The juicer we use is a single speed and has one button, for on/off control. It doesn’t get much easier than that.

Where a lot of juicers, including ours, fall short of blenders is how tricky they can be to clean. A juicer can have as many as 5 different parts to its system, most of which will need to be cleaned after use. This is one area that may put some off when it comes to regular usage. Thus looking out for how easy it is to use and clean when searching for a model is something to think about.

Blenders on the other hand typically have very few parts (blade, jug and lid as well as the motor base). Crucially they are normally quite easy to clean especially the jug. Though the base of the blades can sometimes be tricky to reach especially if it has bits stuck to it, they are typically not as difficult as trying to clean strainer in a juicer.

Winner: Blender – For ease of use and especially ease of cleaning the winner for us has to be the humble blender. Though both juicers and blenders are very straightforward to use, the extra bit of effort needed to maintain a juicer means in this regard they come a close second.

Conclusion: What Is Better Juicer Or Blender?

So, what is better juicer or blender? In reality despite the blender taking 2 out of 4 categories and tying one, what is better will really depend on your own preferences. There are benefits and drawbacks to both appliances.

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What Are The Best Juicers?

Let’s take a brief look at some possible juicers to consider.

Philips HR1836/01 Viva Collection Compact Juicer

The Philips HR1836/01 Viva Collection juicer offers a sleek and attractive design alongside an easy to use system. Boasting a 1.5litre juicing capacity as well a nice wide feeding chute, the design of the Philips HR1836/01 means you can juice straight into your glass as well as a dedicated jug.

Sage BJE520UK Nutri Juicer Plus

The Sage BJE520UK Nutri Juicer Plus looks a classy and a highly user rated act when it comes to juicing. With an 84mm wide feeding chute you’ll seldom have to worry about chopping up your fruit and vegetables saving you time and effort in your juicing endeavours. With a variable speed system, the Sage BJE520UK Nutri Juicer Plus will help you make the most of both soft and hard fruits and vegetables.

What Are The Best Blenders?

Let’s take a look at some of the best blenders around.

NUTRiBULLET 600 Series

One of the most popular blenders around the original NUTRiBULLET 600 Series is a compact and effective blender that comes highly rated by users. Perfect if you need to blend in a hurry, the NUTRiBULLET 600 Series offers welcomed convenience and a 600W motor that can process soft and hard fruits, vegetables and nuts.

Tefal BL435840 Blendforce II 

The Tefal BL435840 Blendforce II offers a classic and highly user rated jug blender that would make a great addition to the kitchen. With a variable 2 speed system as well as a pulsing option, the Tefal BL435840 Blendforce II offers versatility as well as convenience.

What Is Better Juicer Or Blender?: Tell Us Your Thoughts.

Is It Worth Getting A Juicer?

Juicing seems to be more popular than ever these days and having had an excellent Philips juicer for 5 years now we can understand why.

But it is yet another appliance to spend your money on. So is it worth getting a juicer?

If you know you’ll be using it regularly then it’s definitely worth considering.

Below we are going to take a look at some of the pros and cons of getting a juicer to help you decide whether it makes sense for you.

Is It Worth Getting A Juicer?

Let’s take a look at some of the pros and cons of getting a juicer.

Is It Worth Getting A Juicer? - Decorative photo with juice glass.
Is It Worth Getting A Juicer?

Is It Worth Getting A Juicer: Pros

Great Way To Get More Fruit and Vegetables

The first major advantage of getting a juicer machine is that juicing is an excellent way to get more fruits and vegetables into your diet. As you can combine pretty much whatever fruit and vegetables your juicer will take into a juice, you are able to get a wide range of fruits and veg quickly and easily.

For those who try to get their 5 fruit and veg a day this represents a great way to cut to the chase and get that done first thing in the morning or as a snack during the day.

Juice hard and soft Fruit And Veg

Unlike most blenders and smoothie makers, typically juicers can take hard as well as soft fruit and vegetables. This gives you the option of turning vegetables such as carrots, beetroot and ginger into ingredients for your juice.

Lots of Choice of Machines

A major plus for juicers in general is the wide range of choice you have when selecting a model.

There are three main types of juicers (centrifugal, masticating and citrus) as well as those that come with a number of added features and technology.

Good Way To Get Kids Drinking Healthy Juice

One of the best things we’ve found with juicing is that it is a great way to introduce tasty yet healthy beverages to our young children. They enjoy the fresh taste of a carrot and apple juice as well as being fascinated with the actual process of making the juice.

It also means from a very young age they now know what high quality, fresh and healthy juice looks and tastes like hopefully showing them what a good alternative it is to the processed options available elsewhere.

Is It Worth Getting A Juicer: Cons

Some Can Waste Fruit and Vegetables

One of the drawbacks of juicing is that it typically takes a lot of fruit and vegetables to get a decent amount of juice. This is primarily because the juicer has to extract the liquid from the produce and so how much juice is squeezed out will depend on its efficiency. It also depends on how easy it is to actually extract from a given fruit or vegetable.

With our juicer, we like using carrots and apples as a base because we know the juicer does quite well with getting a lot of liquid out of those.

This is in contrast to a blender or smoothie maker which can take whole fruits and turn them into liquid form.

Lots of Parts and Can Be Tricky To Clean

One of the main drawbacks of a juicer, especially when compared to blenders, is the fact they can be tricky to clean. They typically have lots of different parts that combine to carry out the function of the juicer and cleaning these can be bothersome. This is especially the case for the main extractor section of the juicer which can end up with bits of pulp.

Keep a look-out for juicers that offer machine washable parts to make things a bit easier for yourself.

Best Juicers

Now that we have an idea of some of the pros and cons of getting a juicer, let’s take a brief look at some of the best available.

Sage BJE520 Nutri Juicer Plus Centrifugal Juicer

If you want a truly high end juicer that will juice first and ask questions later, then the Sage BJE520 Nutri Juicer Plus centrifugal juicer is worth looking at. The extra wide 84mm chute means there’s less need to go chopping up your fruit and vegetables before you get started.

Philips HR1836/01 Viva Collection Compact Juicer

The Philips HR1836/01 Viva Collection compact juicer comes highly rated by users and offers a great way into the world of juicing. Simple to operate as well as offering up to 1.5litre of juicing capacity, this juicer offers some great features from a well respected brand.

Braun J500 Juicer

The Braun J500 offers another feature packed juicer. Offering the capability to juice both hard and soft vegetables as well as a dedicated jug, the Braun J500 is certainly one to consider if you’re in the market for a new juicer.

Blender Or Smoothie Maker May Work Better

If you’re main driver is getting more whole fruit and vegetables into your diet and you don’t mind whether this is in a smooth juice form or more a smoothie then you may be best to consider getting a blender instead.

Is It Worth Getting A Juicer? Tell Us Your Thoughts.

What Is The Best Juicer For Carrots?

Carrots make for great juice options. They’re full of vital nutrients and vitamins. But it’s not always easy for juicing machines to process them, some do a great job others not so much.

So, what is the best juicer for carrots? We’ve taken a look around to find the best juicer for carrots and presented the top contenders below.

What Type Of Juicer Is Best For Carrots?

There are two main types of electric juicers on the market (i) Centrifugal and (ii) Masticating.

Centrifugal juicers are machines that work by slicing through fruit and vegetables at high speed. Whilst masticating juicers grind down fibres slowly and drawing juice under pressure.

When it comes to carrots, both types are capable of doing a good job so you will have plenty of options. The fast spinning blades of the centrifugal machines means even the toughest of fibres can be shredded efficiently. Whilst the grinding power found in many masticating models is perfect for celery sticks.

What Is The Best Juicer For Carrots?

With types of possible juicers now clear for a our carrots, lets now take a look at the 3 top models we have selected.

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1 – Philips HR1867/21 Viva Collection Juicer – Best Value

Equipped with a powerful motor perfect for shredding tough fibres and two speeds, the Philips HR1867/21 would be a great choice for juicing carrots

With a comfortably large 7.5cm loading tube, there’s little prep needed for your fruit and vegetables. This will mean you can fit juicing into even the most tight of morning schedules.

For even more convenience the sieve has smooth surfaces al round which makes it easier to clean the leftover fibres after your finished.

At 3.47kg this machine is easily moved in and out of cupboards.

Take a look here for a full review of the Philips HR1867/21 Viva Collection Juicer


This Braun Juicer is a great all-rounder and will do the job of juicing carrots perfectly. With 2 speeds capable of tackling even the hardest of fruit and vegetables, this will make light work of most recipes.

The large 7.5cm feeding tube ensures you never have to do much to your carrots before dropping them in. It also means you can use this machine if you’re short of time in the mornings. The anti-drip and anti-spray features will also help with quick clean up.

This juicer is capable of producing a glass within 15 seconds which is great if you’re in a rush. It also comes with 1.25m jug.

The only real issue for you to consider with this machine is the 6kg weight which could make it tricky to move around the kitchen.

Otherwise, we think this is a great pick if you’re looking for juicer for your carrots and more.

Take a look here for a full review of the J500 Juicer

3 – Sage BJE520UK the Nutri Juicer Plus

If you’re looking for a more high-end option for your carrot juice then this may be it. This Sage machine will extract every last bit of goodness out of your carrots and whatever else you stick inside it.

An extra large 8.4cm feeding tube means you can insert most fruit and vegetables whole which saves time on prep.

This machine comes with an impressive 2 year repair and replacement promise plus a 5 year motor warranty. The motor is a 5 speed model meaning you’ll easily be able to process those carrots and more.

Weighing in at 7.5kg however, this machine is quite heavy so you will need to consider whether that would be an issue for you.

All things considered however, we think this is a great addition to any kitchen and one the best juicers for carrots.

Take a look here for a full review of the Sage Nutri Juicer Plus Juicer

What Is The Best Juicer For Carrots?: Tell Us What You Think

What Is The Best Citrus Press?

Juicing is one of the best ways to get the daily nutrients you need found in fruits and vegetables. Citrus fruits are very popular way to get great juice. There are many options on the market for citrus pressers. But what is the best citrus press?

We’ve picked the best citrus pressers we could find and highlighted them below.

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This does not affect how much you pay for the product.

What Is The Best Citrus Press?

What is the best citrus press? Here’s our top 3 favourites.

1 – Philips HR2744/41 Viva Collection Citrus Press

In a crowded field of citrus juicers, the Philips HR2744/41 Viva Collection Citrus Press stands out for its excellent performance and ability to let you choose the amount of pulp you want in your juice. It also offers brilliant value for money.

The most impressive feature of the Philips HR2744/41 Viva Collection Citrus Press is the pulp selector which will let you vary the amount of pulp in your juice according to your tastes. You can enjoy smooth or pulpy juice depending on your preference.

The Philips HR2744/41 Viva Collection Citrus Press is presented in a simple yet attractive design. It looks small and feels compact whilst also quite helpfully offering cord storage to keep things neat.

All the usual parts you would expect are dishwasher safe meaning you don’t have to worry about getting the juicer messy as you use it.

To add to the ease of use, the press comes with an ample 600ml jug which you can detach for serving.

This unit is also equipped with non-slip feet meaning you won’t have to worry about it sliding on the counter as you use it.

So, what is the best citrus press? Overall the Philips HR2744/41 Viva Collection Citrus Press is a brilliant option if you’re looking for a citrus press that’s easy to use, lets you select the amount of pulp you want and offers great value for money.

Key Features

  • Select the amount of pulp you want
  • 600ml juice jug
  • Built-in cord storage
  • Non-slip feet
  • Colour: White

3 – Sage 800CPUK the Citrus Press Pro – Silver

There are many things to admire about this beautifully crafted Sage 800CPUK citrus presser. The design is sleek and compact with a real high-class feel to the finish. Simply put this juicer will look great on your counter.

The power-assisted lever arm makes the actual process of juicing really easy; you simply cut your citrus fruit in half and squeeze it under the arm. The fruit is squeezed evenly and the arm gets out as much juice as physically possible.

This process is assisted by the juicing cone which can take citrus fruits of varying sizes from large grape fruits down to tiny limes without needing to change it.

The stainless steel filter means you can easily choose whether you want your juice smooth or with bits which is perfect for giving you some variety.

A pour spout, also made of stainless steel, makes it easy to tip your juice straight into a glass.

One of the best features of this juicer is the quiet motor meaning you won’t wake up the whole house if you need to juice early in the morning.

As you would expect for a product from Sage, this model comes with a 2 year repair, replace or refund guarantee as well as a 5 year motor warranty to give you peace of mind.

Final Verdict: This won’t be the cheapest citrus juicer on Amazon you can find but it is certainly one of the most high-end.

Key Features

  • Power-assisted arm lever for easy pressing
  • Quiet motor for noise free pressing
  • Flexible stainless steel filter for juice with bits or smooth
  • Dimensions: 18 x 45 x 20 cm

3 – Braun CJ3000 Citrus Juicer

The Braun CJ300 Citrus Juicer is number one on our list as it offers great value for money and a fantastic juicer.

This juicer is perfect for that quick glass of orange juice first thing in the morning. The machine is equipped with automatic left and right rotation meaning you can squeeze every last drop from your fruit.

An automatic stop/start system makes this a very easy machine to use. It also comes with an adjustable pulp control.

The built in 350ML jug means your juice can go straight into the glass when you’re done or stored in the fridge for later.

As if all that wasn’t enough, the machine also has dishwasher safe parts making it really easy to clean up after your done.

For added convenience you can also store the power cord under the base giving the unit a real compact feel when it’s not in use.

Although the 20W motor is not the most powerful, it does the job perfectly and means the machine is not too noisy.

Final Verdict: The Braun CJ300 Citrus Juicer has everything you need to make the perfect OJ. When you add in the fact it is only £16.88 on Amazon (at the time of writing) it is hard to find a better proposition

Key Features

  • Automatic stop/start
  • 350ML built-in jug for easy storage
  • Left and right rotation for maximum extraction
  • Dimensions: 16 x 15 x 16 cm
  • Available colours: white

What Is The Best Citruss Press?: Tell Us Your Thoughts.

What Are The Best Juicers Out There?

Juicing is a great way to get more fruit and vegetables into your diet without too much effort. With a few minutes worth of effort and the push of a button you can have a fresh batch of juice ready to kick start your day or give you a healthy beverage.

But what are the best juicers out there?

Below we have searched far and wide to bring you the best juicers on the market today.

What Are The Different Types Of Juicers?

There are two main broad types of electric juicers on the market (i) Masticating and (ii) Centrifugal.

Masticating: Masticating juicers work by chewing and grinding fruit and vegetables fibres slowly before extracting the juice under pressure. There are many who state masticating juicers produce better juice than centrifugal machines. This is because the slow juice or cold press process means that less heat is transferred to the ingredients during the squeezing process resulting in high levels of nutrients in the final product.

Centrifugal: These are high speed machines that use spinning blades to slice through fruit and vegetables and then straining them against metal mesh to extract the juice. Often fitted with large feeding tubes these types of juicers are great for cutting down on prep time as you can fit in whole fruits and vegetables. The fast spinning blades also mean that this type of machine is well suited to hard ingredients.

Given the power and speed they often have, centrifugal juicers can often be noisy. In addition due to the juicing process air is added to the mix which can result in discolouration and a short life-span.

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What Are The Best Juicers Out There?

So now that we know the main different types of juicers. But what are the best juicers out there? Let’s take a look.

1 – Philips HR1867/21 Viva Collection Juicer

This versatile Philips juicer comes equipped a powerful motor. This means even the toughest fruits and vegetables can be turned into liquid.

An extra large 7.5cm feeding tube allows you to juice large fruits and vegetables such as apples without any pre-cutting. Whilst the QuickClean sieve, with smooth surfaces all-round, means you can easily wipe away pulp fibres with a kitchen brush.

This machine is fairly quick and easy to assemble. It boasts a 2Litre jug for juice which could cater to even a large family. Its brushed aluminium finish gives it a sleek feel. It only weighs 3.47kg meaning its easy to move around the kitchen.

What users might not appreciate is the lack of an anti-drip feature. However, this juicer packs enough positive features to make it a great purchase for those looking to get more healthy options into their daily routine.

So, what are the best juicers out there? We think the Philips HR1867/21 is definitely one of the very best options out there.

Key Features
– Powerful motor perfect for hard and soft fruit and vegetables
– Extra large 7.5cm feeding tube
– Easy clean technology
– Weight – 3.47kg
– Size: 45.7 x 26 x 25.5 cm

2 – Philips MicroMasticating Juicer

This sleek Philips MicroMasticating juicer would not look out of place in the Jetsons kitchen. One of the best slow juicers around, this machine’s major claim to fame is being able to extract 90% of the fruit and vegetables meaning more juice and precious nutrients in your glass. An innovative fully integrated anti-drip function allows you to stop juicing mid-flow whilst leaving your kitchen counter clean.

What helps it to truly stand out from a crowded field is the small footprint and low weight (5.86kg) meaning it could feel at home in even the smallest of kitchens. A slight drawback with its compact design is the narrow size of the feeding tube which sometimes means you’ll be left to chop the ingredients into smaller chunks. With an easily detachable design, this juicer will allow you to clean it quickly once you are finished. Certainly a machine that could claim to be the best juicer on the market, this versatile beauty can process juice, smoothies as well as soups making it a perfect addition to any kitchen.

Key Features
– Sleek design
– Small footprint
– Versatile settings
– Weight: 5.86kg
– Size: 50 x 40 x 16 cm


This ultra slick Braun Juicer is hard to beat on many fronts. With 2 speeds suitable for soft and hard fruits, you’ll never be short of potential recipe options. The ultra wide 7.5cm mouth means you can fit all sorts of fruit and vegetables into the chute without too much preparation – great if you’re juicing in a rush before work in the mornings. The anti-drip and anti-spray system mean you won’t have to deal with a messy worktop after you’re finished, perfect for busy households.

Capable of producing a good glass of juice in roughly 15 seconds and a litre in under a minute, the machine also comes with a 1.25m jug equipped with a foam separator. The main drawback of this sleek J500 may well be its weight coming at just over 6kg which is not the most practical for lifting in and out of kitchen cupboards. Its anti-slip feet however, mean you never have to worry about moving the weight around on the kitchen counter.

Key Features
– 2 Speed 900W Motor
– Wide 7.5m chute suitable for whole and large fruits
– Anti-drip and anti-spash systems
– Fast processing speed (15 seconds for 1 glass/one minute for 1 litre)
– Weight: 6kg
– Size: 30 x 21 x 42 cm

4 – Sage BJE520UK the Nutri Juicer Plus

The Sage Nutri Juicer Plus has all the features you would expect of a high-end machine. Its key offering is centred around extracting the maximum amount of liquid with the least possible effort. An 8.4cm extra wide feeding chute means there’s no need for too much prep time as you can easily juice whole fruits and vegetables.

The machine boasts a variable 5 speed motor meaning you’ll always have plenty of options for the type of fruits and vegetables to juice.With a 2 year repair or replacement promise and a 5 year motor warranty, the Sage Nutri Juicer Plus comes with added peace of mind.

The Nutri Juicer is a great all-rounder with the ability to produce juice as well as smoothies. The “Froojie™ Disc and Insert technology ensures you get the most of our soft fruits and vegetables like strawberries, mangoes and bananas resulting in high yield fruit juice smoothies, ice creams, soups, sauces and dips.

Weighing in at 7.5kg however, this model is seriously chunky. This may not be the best option if it will need to lifted in and out of cupboards frequently.

Equipped with a 1.2L jug complete with a froth separator, the juicer is easy to take apart for cleaning when you’re done. Crucially its parts are dishwater safe.

Key Features
– Extra wide 8.4cm feeding chute
– 2 separate discs for hard and softer fruits and vegetables
– Dishwasher safe parts
– Weight: 7.5kg
– Size: 27 x 43 x 19 cm

5 – Smeg SJF01 Slow Juicer

Immediately eye-catching due to its sleek yet functional design, this Smeg masterpiece is one of the best slow juicers available. Packed with so much style you might be worried it ignores functionality. However, that is certainly not the case. A 500ml juice collector prepares fresh cold pressed juice to enjoy as a healthy kick start to the day or a snack.

A particularly special feature on this machine is the juice density regulation lever which allows you to adjust the thickness of your juice to your desired consistency. Dovetailing a 150W motor with a slow moving squeezing system, this juicer squeezes out all the nutrients and vitamins it can manage at the time of compression. As you might expect at this price range the Smeg SJF01 comes with a range of accessories (e.g. fine & coarse strainer, recipe book and cleaning brushes) and a 2 year product guarantee.

A minor drawback for this accomplished juicer is the slightly narrow feeding chute which will mean you may have to spend longer prepping your fruit and vegetable. At 9.28kg this machine is one of the heaviest on our list though given its aesthetic appeal it is unlikely you will need to keep moving this in and out of the cupboard.

The Smeg SJF01 is available in red, pastel blue, cream and black.

Key Features
– 150W Motor
– 2 Year Product Guarantee
– 500ml juice container
– Available in a range of colours: red, pastel blue, cream and black
– Weight: 9.28kg
– Size: 17.1 x 26.9 x 41.2 cm

6 – Magimix Le Duo Plus XL Juicer

The plush design of this wonderful juicer is only surpassed by its versatility. As well as making delicious heathy juices, the machine comes with an accessory for turning fruits into smoothies.

The Le Duo Plus XL also comes with a citrus press for juicing oranges, lemons and grapefruits. An extra large feed tube means you can use whole fruit and vegetables reducing the prep time needed to get juices made. For added peace of mind this machine comes with a 3 year manufacturer’s guarantee as standard. It also includes an impressive 30 year warranty on the motor.

Weighing in at 7.5kg, the Magimix may be somewhat of a challenge to get in and out of cupboards frequently. However, with such a sleek look its likely to be a permanent feature on your kitchen counter. Dishwasher safe parts mean you’ll never spend too long cleaning up after your done.

What Are The Best Juicers Out there?: Tell Us Your Thoughts